Focusing On Comprehensive Oral Health

Your smile is about more than just your teeth, and so it is vital to keep an eye on all parts of your mouth. Taking the time to care for your gums can show advantages, as your periodontal tissue provides critical support for the structures of your smile. When poor oral hygiene affects their ability to do their job, it could lead to some serious ramifications, up to and including tooth loss. Making an effort to keep your gums healthy throughout your life can make a real difference.

At Newhall Dental Arts, we understand the value of comprehensive oral healthcare. When you start to notice that your gums are pulling back from their natural location on the surface of your teeth, then it is time to call your dentist to talk about periodontal treatment. Keeping your gums clean is a big part of maintaining your smile, to talk to us about ways to bolster your oral health. To learn more about periodontal services, call our front desk today!

Have You Been Flossing Every Single Day?

When you brush your teeth, you remove a harmful form of biofilm called plaque. This
material is colorless, sticky, and it can lead to real problems for your smile. So, you need
to take the time to brush twice each day for at least two minutes, or else it can calcify
into tartar. You cannot safely remove tartar on your own, so at that point, you rely on a
trained dental hygienist.

The problem with only brushing is that your toothbrush can only reach certain areas.
You can brush approximately 60% of your teeth’s surfaces, which leaves 40% of your
enamel at risk of tooth decay. Periodontal disease can also start to occur between the
teeth, and when it creates pockets, those can be very tough to keep clean on your own.

Fight Back Against Gum Disease With Dedicated Periodontal

If your dentist gives you a diagnosis of gingivitis or periodontal disease, it is important to
follow their instructions carefully. This condition is routinely identified as the leading
cause of adult tooth loss in this country, so this is a serious situation. Keeping your
gums free of plaque and tartar buildup is pivotal when fighting periodontal disease, and
our team is here to help with advanced ultrasonic scaling and root planing. When you
start to see blood when you brush, do not wait to talk to your dentist about making a

Explore Comprehensive Oral Health At Newhall Dental Arts

Your gums play an important role in keeping your smile safe and strong, so discover the
advantages of comprehensive oral health through periodontal services. Call Newhall
Dental Arts today in Newhall, CA at (661) 259-7760!