Categories: Tooth Loss

Improve Your Chances of Preventing Tooth Loss

Despite the goal of routine dental being to help you preserve your healthy, natural smile, many people mistakenly believe that losing one or more teeth is inevitable as they age. While some instances of tooth loss might not be avoidable, such as accidental dental trauma, the most common causes of it usually are. At our Newhall, CA, dental office, we not only offer a wide range of treatment options to help you preserve and restore your smile, but we also help you understand your oral health and specific risks of tooth loss better.

Learn why it happens

While there are many potential reasons for tooth loss, most people lose teeth due the damage caused by severe gum disease. While the disease is also highly preventable, it can often develop and progress before patients realize that there’s a problem. Skipping checkup and cleaning appointments, growing lax in your hygiene routine, and ignoring the warning signs of dental disease are among the most common reasons for people experiencing tooth loss. Be sure to stick to a regular schedule of excellent hygiene, and routine checkup and cleaning appointments.

Stop it from happening

Once you know your most common risk factors for tooth loss, you can do a much better job of preventing it. For instance, if you don’t brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once, then start immediately. If it’s been a while since you’ve visiting your dentist for a checkup and cleaning, then schedule an appointment as soon as possible. If your dentist diagnoses you with gum disease during your visit, or any other dental health issue, then don’t hesitate to address it. Besides gum disease, issues such as tooth decay, tooth damage, bruxism, and more can also increase your risks of tooth loss if not addressed properly.

Stop it from happening again

If you’ve already experienced tooth loss, then your risks for losing more teeth may be higher. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s bound to happen again. For instance, the main reason losing teeth often means losing more teeth is because your jawbone suffers from the loss of your teeth roots. As the jawbone grows weaker, its grip on your teeth grows weaker and you may lose more teeth in the future. However, replacing the lost teeth roots with one or more dental implants can help preserve your jawbone’s integrity, improving your chances of preserving the rest of your healthy, natural teeth, as well.

Preserve your healthy teeth and smile

Tooth loss is common, and in some cases, it may not be preventable. Typically, however, you can prevent it with the right level of care and maintenance. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.

Dr. Tajik

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