Categories: Preventive Dentistry

How Does Good Oral Hygiene Prevent Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a very serious oral health concern, one linked to tooth loss and one that impacts millions of people in the United States. However, despite the severity of periodontal disease, often routine oral hygiene maintenance is enough to prevent the problem from developing. Let’s find out what our Newhall, CA, residents can do to remain free of gum disease.

The Causes of Periodontal Disease

The disease begins as inflammation, which can occur for a number of different reasons. Inflammation, also known as gingivitis, may be caused by lack of proper oral hygiene, which enables plaque buildup to form on the teeth and inflame the gum tissue. Other causes may include a family history of periodontal issues, smoking and tobacco use, certain medications, and inflammatory illnesses. While inflammation can be reversed if treated in a timely manner, lack of treatment could mean the gums pull away from the teeth and form deep pockets, which bacteria enter. Gum disease then forms, which cannot be reversed and will require routine care to maintain and prevent complications, such as tooth loss.

Warning Signs to Watch For

Be aware of any changes to your gum tissue and let your dentist know right away. For example, soreness or redness in the gums, or persistent bleeding when brushing and flossing, could indicate gingivitis or the early stages of gum disease. If you begin to exhibit one or more of these warning signs, then please schedule a visit as soon as possible.

Preventive Care

When you brush and floss daily, you remove food particles from on and between your teeth. Doing so prevents bacteria from breaking them down, a process that leads to plaque buildup and gum inflammation. You should brush twice a day, once when waking up and again before going to bed. You also need to floss before bed, which removes the bits of food stuck between the teeth or in the gum line, something brushing alone cannot accomplish. You should also avoid cigarettes and tobacco products, and see us every six months. During your checkup, we will monitor your gums for the earliest indicators of trouble, recommending preventive treatment. A cleaning will then be performed, which removes all plaque and tartar from the teeth. If you have any questions about preventing the onset of gum disease, then please contact our team today.

Do You Need a Cleaning?

Our team would love to help you and your family enjoy a healthy smile and reduced risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease. With regular care, you can keep your smile strong and free of disease. To learn more about preventive dentistry and possible treatment options, then schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.


Dr. Tajik

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