Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Straighten Your Smile With Invisalign® In 2020

Do you have dental misalignment? What if you made a resolution to finally tackle your crooked and crowded teeth this year? Instead of relying solely on metal braces, your Newhall, CA, dentist can actually help with a series of clear and comfortable aligners. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about straightening smiles with Invisalign®.

The Long-Term Impacts of Poor Alignment

How does having an uneven smile impact your overall oral health? Well, crooked and crowded teeth are often difficult to brush and floss thoroughly, which means the risks of tooth decay and gum disease will be significant. In addition, poor alignment could upset your bite balance and place pressure on the jaw joints, increasing the risk of disorders like TMD and bruxism (teeth grinding), both of which are linked to jaw pain, headaches and migraines, and even damaged teeth. The issue could cause problems with your self-confidence too, causing you to avoid smiling in public or engaging in social situations.

The Invisalign® System

By correcting your poor alignment, you not only improve the beauty of your smile and your quality of life, but you also make a positive impact on your overall oral health. While braces are effective, we find that many teens and adults prefer Invisalign® clear aligners. We start treatment by taking detailed digital impressions and measurements of your smile, using the information to create a series of aligners from a clear plastic material. The aligners will gradually and carefully reposition your teeth to correct misalignment over a period of about a year for adults and up to 18 months for teens and younger patients.

What to Expect

You will need to wear a set of aligners for between 20 and 22 hours a day, every day for about one to two weeks. These clear braces will be custom-made for your smile so they fit comfortably and don’t irritate your cheeks and gums the way metal orthodontics have been known to do. After two weeks, you upgrade to the next in the series. Since you have your entire set at home, this means fewer office visits throughout the process. You can remove them before you eat, so you don’t need to make any changes to your diet or avoid certain foods. Being removable also makes brushing and flossing easier, improving overall oral health throughout the process and limiting the risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and teeth stains. If you have any questions about this system, or if you would like to start treatment, then please contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Clear Braces?

With acrylic aligners, we can help you enjoy a more attractive smile, often in as little as one year. To learn more about our cosmetic orthodontic options, please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.


Dr. Tajik

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