Categories: Restorative Dentistry

Saving Decayed/Infected Teeth With Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth develops a mild case of tooth decay, a single-visit filling may be all that is needed to restore the smile. However, when the decay reaches a more advanced state, or the tooth becomes infected or abscessed, then we may recommend a more substantial treatment option. In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist looks at how we prevent tooth loss and discomfort with root canal therapy.

The Dangers of Untreated Infection or Advanced Decay

A cavity occurs when harmful bacteria is allowed to reach the inner dentin, the tooth structure sitting just beneath the outer enamel. Poor oral hygiene that erodes enamel, or injury that cracks or chips a tooth, could allow this to happen. An infection means that bacteria reached the inner pulp, your tooth’s nerve center that is sounding by dentin. An infection arises when decay isn’t treated and spreads through the tooth, or when a tooth suffers a severe crack or chip. Warning signs may include pain when you bite down or chew, soreness in the jaw or face, swelling near the tooth or a discharge from it, and headaches and toothaches/tooth sensitivity. If you experience one or more of these potential warning signs, then contact our team today.

The Root Canal Treatment Process

Treatment begins with our team administering a local anesthetic, and possibly even sedation, to ensure you remain relaxed and comfortable. Next, we open the tooth to access and remove the infected tissues from within. After we clean the interior of the tooth, we add a special filling material. The final step involves placing a completed dental crown, which not only protects the tooth, but also offers a lifelike appearance and blends with your smile seamlessly. The procedure puts a stop to your discomfort, and helps you maintain a full smile.

What Happens Next?

Following treatment, you can start making changes to your daily life to reduce the risk of future cavities and infection. For example, cut back on sugary foods and drinks, brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, and floss nightly before bed. Be sure you also see us every six months so we can monitor your smile with a checkup, and remove harmful plaque buildup with a cleaning. These steps not only help your smile stay infection-free, but lower the risk of gum disease, bad breath, and even teeth stains. If you have any questions about root canal therapy, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Our Restorative Treatments?

We’re ready to help address the pain and infection in your smile with a root canal treatment. To learn more about returning smiles to optimal health, function, and beauty, then please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.

Dr. Tajik

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