Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Could Invisalign® Straighten Your Smile?

When you have uneven smiles, this could lead to serious trouble for your oral health and of course, your smile’s appearance. But correcting these issues doesn’t mean you need to rely solely on metal braces. Your Newhall, CA, dentist actually offers a cosmetic approach with our clear Invisalign® aligners.

The Impact of Your Uneven Teeth

Your misalignment could make thorough brushing and flossing difficult, which leaves food particles trapped between teeth and allows the risk of tooth decay and gum disease to increase. Misalignment also strains the jaw joints, so the onset of serious issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) becomes more likely. Others may simply feel embarrassed, and take steps to hide their smile to even avoid social situations. To correct your smile and improve your oral health, as well as your quality of life, you may benefit from an orthodontic procedure. In addition to metal braces, we’re happy to offer a series of clear and comfortable plastic aligners with the Invisalign® system.

The Invisalign® System

Our teen and adult patients often feel hesitant to discuss orthodontic treatment, fearing the impact on their appearance during treatment. But with Invisalign®, we use clear plastic aligners to correct your misalignment. These aligners will then be barely visible, and will also fit comfortably since each one is crafted to your smile. Treatment is simple. You will wear a set of aligners for between 20 and 22 hours a day. After two weeks, you move on to the next set in the series. Over a period of a year to 18 months on average, this will correct the position of your teeth. Your aligners will even be removable, so you can take them out before you eat or before brushing and flossing each day!

Crafting Your Clear Aligners

Each set is custom-made for your smile specifically, which ensures comfort and treatment with precision and accuracy. To begin, we will take detailed digital images and measurement of your smile, which are combined to craft a 3D computer model. In a lab setting, this information is used to create each set. We will monitor your progress and talk to you during periodic visits, as you enjoy a straighter smile with nearly invisible orthodontics.

If you have any questions about how we treat misalignment, or about the Invisalign® system, then contact our team today. By scheduling a consultation, we will be able to see if this is the best option for your smile!

Do You Have More Questions About Cosmetic Orthodontics?

Our team offers a clear and comfortable approach to treating misalignment in teens and adults. Contact our Newhall, CA office at (661) 259-7760 to learn more about our cosmetic braces. You can also visit us at 25061 Peachland Ave. Newhall, CA 91321.

Dr. Tajik

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