Categories: Invisalign®

Cosmetic Orthodontics With Invisalign®

Invisalign® aligners are clear and made from a comfortable plastic material. When possible, we use these instead of braces to treat poor alignment for our patients. In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist talks about how we offer a cosmetic approach to orthodontic treatment with the Invisalign® system.

The Benefits of an Even Smile

Why should you consider treating your uneven smile? Aside from the obvious benefits to your overall appearance, a smile free of misalignment is much healthier. Misalignment provides places for food and drink particles to become trapped, a complication linked to higher risks of everything from bad breath and stained teeth to tooth decay and gum disease. The pressure on your bite balance and the strain on your jaw joints from malocclusion could lead to TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). We want to help you enjoy a healthier smile, and one that functions properly and looks great too.

Creating Your Custom Aligners

The key to their success is their custom nature. Each set is made specifically for your smile. To begin, we will gather a series of detailed digital images of your smile from multiple angles, and then use them to craft a 3D impression that is far more accurate than a traditional physical one. In a lab, they will be used to design and fabricate the series of aligners. Being custom-made means a comfortable fit and treatment with precision and accuracy, with optimal results available in as little as one year in some cases.

The Invisalign® Process

The treatment process means you wear a set for about 20 to 23 hours a day, the exact time will depend on the recommendations of the dentist. You do this for about two weeks, and then begin wearing the next set in the series. The process will continue for about one year for most, or up to 18 months for others. In the meantime, they can be removed before meals so you don’t java to alter your diet, or be taken out before you brush and floss, so caring for your smile is much simpler. You can also take them out for special occasions, just as long as you wear them as we prescribe.

If you have any questions about how we correct smiles with a series of clear and barely noticeable aligners, then contact our team to schedule a consultation. We can help you find out if Invisalign® is right for your smile.

Talk To Your Newhall, CA Dentist About Invisalign®

We’re ready to straighten your smile with clear and cozy plastic aligners. If you would like to learn more about the Invisalign® system or about any of our other cosmetic treatments, then contact your Newhall, CA, dentist, Dr. Tajik, by calling (661) 259-7760.


Dr. Tajik

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