Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Need to Fix a Tooth? Ask Us About Bonding It

The most important step to keeping your smile attractive and healthy looking is to take care of it. If you brush and floss your teeth every day and visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings, then you can help avoid things like tooth decay or other issues that could impact your smile’s health and appearance. However, at our Newhall, CA, dentist’s office, we also offer several treatments for whenever prevention isn’t enough to stop a cosmetic blemish or two from forming. In many cases, tooth bonding is the optimal treatment, especially when it comes to minimizing the amount of treatment performed on your tooth.

The advantages of composite resin

To bond a tooth means to use tooth-colored composite resin to correct a specific blemish on a tooth. The resin is made from highly biocompatible acrylic and quartz-like particles and is able to closely mimic the healthy, natural color and appearance of your tooth. After custom-tinting the resin, we’ll carefully apply it to the portion of your tooth that requires fixing/correcting. The resin is bonded to the tooth structure, and then sculpted and hardened to match the tooth’s ideal contour. Then, we’ll polish the bonding to give it a natural finish that blends in discreetly with your smile.

What bonding can do for your tooth

Tooth-colored resin is both cosmetically appealing and durable, which makes it an optimal solution for addressing several different kinds of concerns. For example, if a tooth is severely discolored and doesn’t respond to teeth-whitening, then bonding may be able to conceal the discoloration (assuming the tooth is otherwise healthy). Bonding can also restore a tooth’s structure if it’s been chipped, worn, lightly cracked, or more. As a restorative treatment, bonding can also be used as a more conservative and discreet tooth filling.

What you save with tooth bonding

Placing, sculpting, hardening, and polishing tooth bonding are all minimally invasive processes, and your entire tooth bonding procedure can often be completed in just one visit. However, besides convenience, one of the biggest advantages of tooth bonding is the fact that we can accomplish it without any significant changes to your tooth structure. We may etch the surface of your tooth’s enamel to make the bonding adhere to it more securely, but there is no need to sculpt the tooth or modify its structure to accommodate any restoration.

Find out if tooth bonding is right for you

Tooth bonding offers a highly lifelike and minimally invasive way to correct several different types of tooth blemishes and improve the health and appearance of your smile. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.

Dr. Tajik

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