Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

When Are Porcelain Veneers Your Best Option?

Improving your smile is an important decision, and once you’ve chosen to do it, you have many different options according to your specific smile concerns. For many patients, the best option is one or more custom-designed porcelain veneers, especially if there are more than one concern to deal with. At our Newhall, CA, dental office, we may recommend porcelain veneers to address issues that range from the color and shade of your teeth to their structural integrity and the overall contour of your smile.

When whitening won’t brighten a tooth

Tooth stains and discoloration are common, but they can occur in several different ways. How you correct them depends on the nature and extent of your teeth stains, and in many cases, teeth-whitening is the most effective option. However, some types of tooth discoloration won’t respond to teeth-whitening, such as the internal discoloration that can occur underneath your semi-translucent enamel. When one or more teeth are internally discolored, an appropriate number of porcelain veneers may be the best way to improve your smile.

When a damaged tooth doesn’t need a crown

Porcelain veneers are designed to closely mimic your healthy, natural tooth structure, which is why they’re a popular cosmetic solution. However, they’re also designed to withstand your bite pressure and reestablish a tooth’s health and integrity. For example, if a tooth is cracked or fractured, but not severely enough to need a complete dental crown, a porcelain veneer may be able to restore it with minimal tooth preparation. Because the veneer only covers the front of your tooth instead of its entire crown, placing it doesn’t require sculpting your tooth as much as placing a dental crown.

When you need to improve your smile’s contour

When your teeth are significantly misaligned, you may be able to avoid wearing braces with the help of Invisalign® aligners. However, sometimes, your teeth may be only slightly misaligned, and you may be able to correct your smile’s contour with the help of porcelain veneers. By gently sculpting the teeth and placing custom-designed veneers on those that are slightly misshapen or misaligned, we can correct your smile’s overall appearance without the need for orthodontic treatment.

Find out if veneers are your best option

The best thing about porcelain veneers is that they can address a multitude of different issues, making them the best solution for a wide variety of patients’ needs. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.

Dr. Tajik

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