Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Let’s Talk About The Invisalign® Difference

Metal braces require brackets and arch wires to correct misalignment. While effective, they don’t do any favors for your smile’s appearance. To offer our Newhall, CA, patients a more esthetically-friendly alternative, we may prescribe Invisalign® aligners. Let’s look at how these aligners offer a barely visible solution for minor and advanced cases of misalignment.

Invisalign® vs. Braces

With braces, we need to place a metal bracket onto the front facing side of the teeth. We then connect these brackets with an arch wire. When the dentist adjusts the tension in the wire, this begins to reposition the teeth. The entire process usually takes about two years to compete. With Invisalign®, this approach is very different. We will take a series of detailed digital impressions of your smile. We use the impressions and measurements we take to craft a series of aligners from a BPA-free acrylic material. Patients then begin wearing a set for 20 to 22 hours a day for about two weeks. They then upgrade to the next set. After about a year, many obtain optimal results!

The Benefits of Removable Orthodontics

The most obvious benefit is the clear appearance, which means they will be barely visible when worn. In addition, the treatment process itself is much shorter and you require fewer office visits. Since they’re removable, you take them out before meals. No more worries about food becoming stuck in your orthodontics, and no need to avoid certain foods. Being removable also means a much easier time brushing and flossing your teeth, ensuring a healthier smile and brighter teeth throughout the treatment process. We can use this option for teens and adults alike, addressing both minor and severe cases of misalignment.

Improving Your Oral Health

Along with the positive impacts on your appearance, correcting misalignment also helps your oral health. When we have uneven teeth, this provides places for food particles to become trapped, even if you brush and floss. As bacteria break down these particles, oral acidity rises and plaque buildup accumulates, leading to a greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease. For others, the pressure on their jaw joints from poor alignment means a higher chance of TMJ disorder and bruxism. Don’t let your oral health suffer, talk to our team about clear aligners and other options for correcting the balance, alignment, and appearance of your smile. If you have any questions about Invisalign® then contact our team today.

Ready to Try Clear Braces?

We’re ready to transform your smile with clear and custom-made acrylic aligners. To learn more about the Invisalign® system, or to talk about any of our other cosmetic options, then please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.


Dr. Tajik

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