Categories: Restorative Dentistry

When Does A Smile Need A Porcelain Crown?

At one time, the only crowns available were made from amalgam or other metals. While effective, they didn’t offer an esthetically-pleasing appearance. Fortunately, your Newhall, CA, dentist can offer repair and restoration with one made from a strong and lifelike material known as porcelain. When does a porcelain crown benefit your smile?

Creating Your Restoration

Did you know that each crown we offer our patients is custom-made specifically for their smile? We start by preparing your smile. We remove a small amount of structure from the teeth in need of restoration. Afterward, we take a series of impressions, images, and measurements of your tooth, which we use to design and fabricate your new restoration. Being custom-made means they fit comfortably, and also that they blend with your smile. Porcelain is a strong material that can absorb serious bite forces but the material is also translucent like tooth enamel and can contain stain-resistant properties. We can shade the material to match the color of nearby teeth as well, ensuring it blends seamlessly!

Placement and Maintenance

When we finish your new restoration, we place it with a powerful bonding agent, which helps it stay in place for many years to come. You still need to care for your newly repaired tooth just as you would your natural ones, otherwise gum disease or dental infection could mean a compromised tooth. You should brush your teeth when you wake up and once more before bed for two minutes each session. Flossing is also crucial and should be done before you lay down at night. Every six months, be sure to schedule a visit so we can examine and monitor your smile for signs of trouble. We will also clean your teeth, removing the plaque buildup that could lead to decay, infection, or gum disease if allowed to grow more severe.

When Does My Smile Need One?

We may place a custom porcelain crown to lengthen teeth that bruxism has worn down. Placement also repairs cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. The restoration allows our team to address issues with a tooth’s shape and color as well. For people with one or more missing teeth, we can anchor a dental bridge in place or even complete a single tooth dental implant, ensuring your smile is whole and beautiful. If you have any questions about repairing smiles with custom-made crowns, then contact our team today. Let’s return your smile to optimal health, beauty, and function.

Does Your Smile Need Improvement?

We have custom options to restore your smile and address a number of different (and serious) oral health concerns. To learn more about restorative dental care, please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.


Dr. Tajik

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