Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

We’re Ready To Brighten Your Smile With Zoom!

The Zoom Whitening system means we offer our patients access to dramatic and long-lasting results, even for more severe cases of discoloration. While you can obtain whitening with store-bought strips and toothpastes, the results won’t be as dramatic as you like, and could lead to tooth sensitivity. In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist talks about Zoom! Whitening.

The Causes of Teeth Stains

Why do our teeth become discolored? Well, there are a number of possibly causes. For example, consuming foods high in sugar and starch could leave behind particles for bacteria to break down, which creates plaque and tartar and in turn, makes stains more visible. Drinks with dark pigments and tannins, like tea, red wine, soda, and coffee, also make discoloration more visible. Lack of daily care, such a brushing and flossing, encourages plaque buildup too. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, this stain smiles as well. Understanding the cause often enables us to make better choices and keep your smile brighter for longer periods!

The Zoom! Process

With the Zoom! System, you will visit our office. We will administer an initial treatment, and then take detailed impressions and images of your smile with digital technology, creating a set of plastic trays. We then send you home with these trays, as well as a prescription-strength bleaching gel. At home, the trays will be filled with gel and worn for about 30 to 45 minutes a day, depending on the dentist’s recommendations. After a week to ten days, your teeth could be brightened by several different shades. You then keep the trays and any leftover gel for touch-up in the coming months to keep your smile bright!

What Happens Next?

You could then take actions to help your smile stay bright. Start with brushing and flossing daily, and also cut back on sugary foods and drinks. Drink plenty of water instead of beverages with pigments and tannins. You should also see us every six months too! We examine your smile to make sure it remains strong and healthy, but we also clean your teeth. The cleaning means we remove all plaque and tartar and then polish your smile, keeping it bright and also limiting the risks of issues like tooth decay and gum disease.

If you have any questions about keeping smiles strong and healthy, or about preventing or removing teeth stains, then contact our team today. We want to make sure you continue to enjoy a smile that inspires confidence each and every day!

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry?

Newhall Dental Arts is ready to help you obtain a more attractive smile with our professional cosmetic procedures. Contact our Newhall, CA office at (661) 259-7760 to learn more about our cosmetic dental treatments!


Dr. Tajik

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