Implant Dentistry And Your Smile Restoration

If your plans for smile improvement include prosthetic dental work, you may be unsure of what to expect from treatment. Can your dentist provide a restoration that actually helps you improve your dental function, or will your care only improve your smile? At our Newhall, CA dentist’s office, we can discuss the advantages of treatment with dental implants. Implant dentistry provides permanently secured prosthetic appliances that can restore your smile as well as your ability to comfortably bite and chew. This approach can even help you sustain your jawbone health, which is negatively affected by the absence of teeth roots.

What Can You Do To Fully Restore Your Incomplete Smile?

When you lose just one tooth, you can lose confidence in your smile, and you can have a harder time sustaining your dental health. Working around the absence can lead to trouble with your bite function, which can worsen in time and cause worsening discomfort. You also need to be concerned with further losses, as the teeth next to a gap are more likely to loosen due to a loss of support. Through implant dentistry, we can help you address the impact that tooth loss has on your appearance as well as your dental function.

The Role Dental Implants Play In Prosthetic Treatment

A dental implant creates a form of lasting support for your prosthetic tooth. The post is set directly into your jawbone—care is taken to identify just the right position and angle before it is put in position. Your replacement tooth is affixed to it after you go through an appropriate period to heal from the initial placement procedure. After you receive your restoration, you can be happy to see how it improves your smile, and you can also appreciate how you can rely on it for support whenever you bite and chew food.

Life After Your Restorative Services Are Addressed

When restorative dental work takes place, the goal is to help you regain full confidence in both your oral health and appearance. After work is complete to give you back your full smile, you should be able to bite, chew, speak, and smile without worrying about the restoration that we have provided. Keeping up with good habits on a daily basis will help you preserve this work. At regular dental visits, we can check on your implant-held appliance just as will check on your surrounding teeth.

Talk To Your Newhall, CA Dentist About Implant Dentistry

Through restorative work to restore your full smile, we can give you back your confidence in more than just the way you look. We can recommend implant dentistry to a person who has experienced tooth loss, as this can lead to better bite function and more stability for your restoration, and it can protect you against problems with jawbone deterioration. If you would like to find out more, contact your Newhall, CA, dentist, Dr. Tajik, by calling (661) 259-7760.

Dr. Tajik

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