Categories: Dental Implants

How Do We Guide Your Implants Into Place?

Dental implants act like new roots because we insert them into the jawbone through oral surgery. But how do we guide them in place, and ensure they can support your new tooth or even a new prosthetic, like a full set of dentures? In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist talks about guiding your dental implants into place.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime for some patients. Instead of using crowns or suction to keep them in place, we insert them into the jawbone directly. Being made from titanium, a biocompatible material, they will act as new roots and stimulate the growth of bone tissue, which prevents the loss of mass and density in the jaw that usually accompanies missing teeth. The restoration we connect to the post with an abutment will look natural, and we could use several to support a fixed partial or full denture, or a dental bridge. Your new teeth not only look natural, they last far longer than traditional tooth replacement options.

Guided Placements with CT Scanning

The angle they sit is key, as you want to not only support a restoration or prosthetic. But to also stimulate the growth of bone tissue to preserve your jaw and prevent further tooth loss. We plan the process with digital technology, and we also have special guides to help as we place them. CT scanning allows us to plan this process to avoid nerve tissues and sinus cavities, and insert them into the most stable parts of the jaw. This is key to their success and longevity!

Keeping Smiles Whole

To help your new teeth last, and to safeguard your remaining natural ones, our team will recommend routine visits every six months. During these visits, we carefully monitor your smile, including your new teeth, and also clean the teeth to remove plaque and tartar, keeping your smile healthy and strong. In addition, at home you should avoid tobacco products, brush and floss daily, and try to enjoy a healthier diet. With the right steps, you help your smile stay healthy and whole. If you have any questions about how we replace your missing teeth, or if you need a consultation to see if you’re ready for dental implants, then contact our team today.

Talk To Your Newhall, CA Dentist About Implant Dentistry

Our team is ready to offer care to help you maintain good oral health and avoid the complications of tooth loss. If you would like to find out how we address your missing teeth with sturdy and lifelike replacement options, contact your Newhall, CA, dentist, Dr. Tajik, by calling (661) 259-7760. We want to make sure you can also smile with confidence.


Dr. Tajik

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