Categories: Preventive Dentistry

Preventing Thanksgiving-Related Cavities

We love the holiday season, and look forward to Thanksgiving dinners as much as anyone. But! We also know that many of our favorite holiday meals contain high amounts of sugar and starch. Without care to safeguard your smile, this could mean tooth decay. In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist talks about holiday-related cavities.

Thanksgiving and Tooth Decay

Many of our favorite Thanksgiving sides and dishes, and our other holiday celebrations, have foods high in sugar and starch. For example, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and rolls are high in starch. Sugar can be found in cobbler, pie, cake, cookies, and sweet tea and soda. Sugar and starch cling to the teeth and can become trapped between them. When harmful oral bacteria break them down, this increases the levels of oral acidity and coats the teeth in plaque buildup. Teeth could be more vulnerable to tooth decay as a result, and this could also lead to teeth stains, bad breath, and even gingivitis and gum disease. Which is why we want you to take precautions during your celebrations!

Taking Steps to Protect Your Smile

When you assemble your plate, be sure you enjoy your sugary and starch-rich favorites in moderation. You can also balance your plate with healthy options, like fresh fruits and vegetables. Some sections, like broccoli, carrots, and apples, can help scrub away plaque and food particles too. Be sure to follow your meal with a big glass of water too, as this helps rinse away stray food particles too. You can also help by flossing after your dinner too.

Speaking of flossing, you need to continue to practice good oral hygiene habits during the holidays. You should start each day by brushing for two minutes, and using a fluoride toothpaste when you do. These actions help remove stray food particles and lower the risk of cavities and periodontal issues too.

Attend a Checkup and Cleaning

There is still time to attend your final checkup and cleaning of 2022. These visits allow us to identify issues that need attention, and we can even treat them before the hectic holiday season is in full swing. We’ll clean the teeth too, removing the harmful layers of plaque and tartar to fight cavities and more. If you have any questions about diagnosing your smile, then contact our team today to learn more. Let’s greet 2023 with your best possible smiles!

Talk To Your Newhall, CA Dentist About Staying Cavity-Free

Our team is here to help you and your family enjoy strong and healthy smiles throughout the holidays. If you would like to learn more about avoiding the onset of tooth decay, then contact your Newhall, CA, dentist, Dr. Tajik, by calling (661) 259-7760.


Dr. Tajik

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