In our last blog, we looked at how digital technology offers more precise x-rays using less radiation. But did you know we also have technology to gather digital impressions to plan treatment and design appliances? In today’s blog, we’re going to look at how we gather digital impressions to offer quality treatment for patients in Newhall, CA.
Cone Beam CT Scanning
Our office employs a digital cone beam computerized tomography system, which enables us to replace the old method of gathering impressions. At one time, patients had to bite down a mold filled with a sticky material, holding the bite for several minutes. The process often had to be done multiple times to gather a perfect impression. However, we now use digital scanning to take a series of detailed images of the teeth and gums quickly and comfortably. We then use these images to create a 3D model of your smile. No need for molds or poor tasting sticky materials!
TMJ and Bruxism Appliances
When we create a 3D model of your smile, we can design appliances to be worn. For example, if you suffer from TMJ disorder, a jaw joint issue that may make opening and closing the mouth difficult, or bruxism, in which you grind and clench your teeth regularly, then an oral appliance may help. The custom-made device will fit comfortably and reposition the jaw to ease jaw joint strain, while also placing a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth to avoid further damage. Treatment helps patients avoid the dental damage, headaches, and jaw pain often associated with these disorders.
Invisalign® Aligners
Invisalign® uses a series of clear plastic aligners created from a BPA-free material to gradually and carefully reposition the teeth and correct misalignment, often in as little as a year. Using digital scanning and impressions, we can design and create these aligners with precision and accuracy!
Guided Implant Placement
Unlike bridges or removable dentures, dental implants will be inserted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth and restore your smile’s health and function. With CT technology, we analyze your bite in great detail and uncover the optimal placement area. Then, using CT scanning we guide the placement process and address your missing teeth with precision, helping you enjoy a healthier and more attractive smile. If you have any questions about the digital technology we use to plan and administer treatment, then please contact our team today.
Do You Need Treatment for Tooth Loss?
Our team would like to help you enjoy a whole and healthy smile using advanced technology. To learn more about our technology and begin your journey toward a healthier smile, then schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.