We love Halloween as much as anyone! However, being dental professionals, we also know that with Halloween comes an influx of sugary treats, treats that could lead to the onset of tooth decay in smiles of all ages. To help ensure you enjoy a safe and fun Halloween, and that you don’t put your smile… Read more »
Month: October 2020
Keeping A Healthy Smile for a Lifetime
“You need to brush and floss your teeth every day” is often a phrase you hear constantly while growing up, and when you attend your dental visit, you hear it from the dentist as well. The fact of the matter is, however, that long-lasting and healthy smiles can only be maintained if you are following… Read more »
How Your Diet Can Affect Your Smile
A healthful and nutritious diet helps keep your body in shape, and has a positive affect on oral health and your smile as well. While adult teeth don’t grow or shrink with the calories you eat, they are nourished by the food you eat. Not surprisingly, they can also be harmed when your eating habits… Read more »
Should I Whiten My Teeth In-Office Or At Home?
We all strive to enjoy a brighter smile, but over time a myriad of factors could cause unsightly discoloration to develop. Fortunately, we have two very different, but effective, methods of removing these stains. In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist will look at our in-office and at-home teeth whitening treatments.