Focusing On Comprehensive Oral Health

Your smile is about more than just your teeth, and so it is vital to keep an eye on all parts of your mouth. Taking the time to care for your gums can show advantages, as your periodontal tissue provides critical support for the structures of your smile. When poor oral hygiene affects their ability to do their job, it could lead to some serious ramifications, up to and including tooth loss. Making an effort to keep your gums healthy throughout your life can make a real difference.

At Newhall Dental Arts, we understand the value of comprehensive oral healthcare. When you start to notice that your gums are pulling back from their natural location on the surface of your teeth, then it is time to call your dentist to talk about periodontal treatment. Keeping your gums clean is a big part of maintaining your smile, to talk to us about ways to bolster your oral health. To learn more about periodontal services, call our front desk today!


Whiten Your Smile…Professionally!

whiten your smile newhall caIf you have been hiding your smile in those fun summertime photos by the pool, it may be time to talk to your dentist about making a change. Extrinsic enamel stains are common, and they can happen even with the healthiest of diet, so if you have started to see a change in the shade of your teeth, take the time to talk to your dentist about ways to improve your appearance. With professional cosmetic treatment, you can whiten your smile with advanced Philips Zoom! teeth whitening, giving you a trusted name in dental care.

At our dental office in Newhall, CA, we help people to fall in love with their smiles again. If it is time to talk about cosmetic teeth whitening, talk to our team about a safe and effective method before you instinctively reach for a supermarket solution. Sometimes, these products can actually hold your smile back, so it is important to talk with an experienced dental provider to get all of the details. To find out more about the advantages of Philips Zoom! cosmetic teeth whitening, give us a call today and schedule a consultation!


Break A Tooth? Call Your Dentist!

break a tooth newhall caIf you have ever experienced damage to your smile, then you know how stressful it can be, and when this happens, it is important to talk to your dentist as soon as possible. While you wait, bacteria could be making their way into vulnerable areas, and that can lead to an infection within the injured tooth itself. Infection can cause a nasty toothache, and the bacteria can even move beyond your tooth, so if you break a tooth, take your situation seriously and speak with your provider about repair.

With our caring dental team in Newhall, CA, you have professionals ready to help you renew your smile. Breaking or cracking a tooth is never a fun situation to find yourself in, but this is not the time to delay; the longer you wait, the more risk you put yourself in. Your enamel plays a vital role in the success of your smile, so make sure that you put in the effort in keeping it at a high level. To find out more about restorative dentistry in the Santa Clarita Valley, call our office today!


What Happens If You Don’t Visit Your Dentist?

Newhall, CA, dentist offers examinations and cleanings

By now, you may already know that it is recommended you come in for a dental checkup twice a year. These visits include a cleaning and examination that help keep your teeth and gums in good condition. Even if you take proper care of your smile at home, neglecting these checkups could have a negative impact of your oral health. Your Newhall, CA, dental team is here today to explain why these visits are essential to your well-being.


Your Options For Oral Surgery

Newhall, CA, dentist offers oral surgery

Preventive dental care can help keep your smile healthy and cavity-free. Unfortunately, though, there are occasions when you may still need more extensive dental care. This may be necessary to remove a wisdom tooth, address TMJ concerns, or replace a tooth with an implant. We understand this can be intimidating for many patients, but these treatments can help preserve your oral health. Today, your team at Newhall Dental Arts in CA discusses what to expect during oral surgery.


A Secure Option For Bridges And Dentures

Newhall, CA, dentist offers bridges, dentures, implants

Whether you have lost one or several, tooth loss can affect your life in several ways. You may notice changes in your ability to chew some of your favorite foods or have trouble speaking clearly. It may also cause changes to your appearance that may make you feel self-conscious. The team at Newhall Dental Arts in California offers replacement options that can give you a complete smile again after a loss.
