Your smile is about more than just your teeth, and so it is vital to keep an eye on all parts of your mouth. Taking the time to care for your gums can show advantages, as your periodontal tissue provides critical support for the structures of your smile. When poor oral hygiene affects their ability to do their job, it could lead to some serious ramifications, up to and including tooth loss. Making an effort to keep your gums healthy throughout your life can make a real difference.
At Newhall Dental Arts, we understand the value of comprehensive oral healthcare. When you start to notice that your gums are pulling back from their natural location on the surface of your teeth, then it is time to call your dentist to talk about periodontal treatment. Keeping your gums clean is a big part of maintaining your smile, to talk to us about ways to bolster your oral health. To learn more about periodontal services, call our front desk today!