Category: Gum Disease

Focusing On Comprehensive Oral Health

Your smile is about more than just your teeth, and so it is vital to keep an eye on all parts of your mouth. Taking the time to care for your gums can show advantages, as your periodontal tissue provides critical support for the structures of your smile. When poor oral hygiene affects their ability… Read more »

Taking Steps To Improve Gum Health

Gum health newhall ca

When you think about your smile, you probably focus on your beautiful set of teeth. Keeping your oral health at a high level also includes caring for the entirety of your mouth, though. This means that you need to take the time to care for your gums. Your periodontal tissue holds your teeth in place… Read more »

Controlling Your Periodontal Disease

newhall gum disease treatment

  Periodontal disease is a common issue, one that impacts half of adults over the age of 30 according to the Centers for Disease Control. Without treatment to manage it, the disease could lead to later stages that cause tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist talks about how we treat this issue… Read more »

Keep Your Smile Safe By Preventing Gingivitis

If you want to protect your smile, you need to think about how you can protect yourself against gum disease as well as dental problems. You may be surprised at just how serious gum disease can become, and it can be a difficult issue to manage. Fortunately, with the right preventive care, you can keep… Read more »

Improving Gum Health With A Deep Cleaning

When your gums begin to feel sore or bleed when brushing and flossing, this is cause for concern. Without treatment, your smile runs the risk of developing gum disease, or even worse, periodontitis! To avoid complications like discomfort or tooth loss, you may benefit from a deep cleaning. When should you contact your Newhall, CA,… Read more »

What Factors Into Your Gum Disease?

Because your smile and the details of your oral health are unique, your specific risk factors for things like gum disease are, as well. For example, some people may be genetically predisposed to have a high risk of gum disease, while others may increase their risks by their own daily habits. At our Newhall, CA,… Read more »

What’s the Best Way to Treat Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease’s development, and for patients who have it, it can be their smile’s biggest threat. If left unattended, gum disease can quickly grow more severe, causing several increasingly more severe symptoms and consequences. Fortunately, at our Newhall, CA, dental office, we can help you address gingivitis in its… Read more »

Things that Increase Your Risks of Gum Disease

Many people realize that the presence of severe gum disease is the most common high-risk factor for losing teeth. However, not everyone realizes the specific factors that increase their risks of developing gum disease in the first place. The truth is that, with the right care and preventive maintenance, you can successfully prevent gum disease… Read more »

Is Gum Disease Really the Biggest Cause of Tooth Loss?

The fact that gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss can be surprising to many people. After all, the condition affects your gum tissues, not your natural tooth structure. However, it’s because of this that gum disease if often allowed to progress far enough to cause tooth loss before many patients seek… Read more »

A Brief Look at Controlling Gum Disease

Much of your hygiene and preventive dental efforts focus on preventing issues that could endanger your smile. Gum disease is one of the most significant of those dangers, affecting more than 80% of adults to various degrees. In its severe form, it can become your biggest risk of tooth loss. At our Newhall, CA, dental… Read more »