When we see Newhall, CA, residents with missing teeth, we often address the unsightly gaps with implant dentistry. They last longer than traditional bridges and dentures, and offer a stronger, more secure tooth replacement option. In today’s blog, we’re going to answer commonly asked questions about placing them and addressing tooth loss.
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants
Question: When are they right for people?
Answer: We will look at a number of factors before prescribing them. For example, since people tend to lose jawbone tissue following tooth loss, we need to make sure there is enough tissue to support a new tooth. Otherwise, a bone grafting procedure may be necessary. Our team also looks for the presence of periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease responsible for tooth loss and implant failure. Treatment to manage the disease may be needed before we move forward with tooth replacement.
Question: How do you place them?
Answer: After we examine your smile with advanced technology, we will choose the optimal area for placement and use CT technology to guide the placement process. We insert the dental implant into the jawbone, where it will bond with the bone tissue over the course of three to four months, securing them like natural tooth roots. At this point, we add an abutment to hold a custom crown in place, completing the visible portion of your new tooth.
Question: Will they look natural?
Answer: Yes! If we’re replacing a single lost tooth, we use a crown to restore it, creating a natural looking and durable new tooth. If we’re addressing multiple teeth and multiple dental implants, we may craft a custom bridge or denture, which we attach to the dental implants, securing a prosthetic that never slips and can last much longer than traditional crown, clasp, or suction-retained alternatives.
Question: Will my new teeth require special care?
Answer: You can actually care for them as you would natural teeth. Keeping them strong and healthy means brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every night before going to bed. You should maintain a healthier diet and cut back on sugary foods and drinks, and avoid cigarettes or other tobacco products. Be sure to see us every six months for a checkup and cleaning as well, so we can watch over your smile and ensure your new smile remains stable and healthy. If you have any questions about missing tooth replacement, then contact our team today.
Do You Have Missing Teeth?
If you have suffered from tooth loss, then you may need a prosthetic to restore your smile’s health and beauty. To learn more about implant dentistry, schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.