If you frequently suffer from headaches, but have yet to discern the cause, the problem could be related to TMJ disorder, also known as TMD. A widespread oral health concern, TMJ disorder could eventually lead to trouble opening and closing the mouth. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the causes and when patients in Newhall, CA, should see us for treatment.
What Causes The Disorder?
TMJ disorder develops when the temporomandibular joints, which connect your jaw and skull, undergo excessive strain. Since these joints control the movements needed to eat and speak, strain could lead to difficulty fully opening and closing your mouth. Factors behind the disorder vary, but causes could be linked to tooth loss, misalignment, bite imbalance, stress, and injury to the face or jaw. As part of your treatment, we will assess the cause and extent of your disorder, which is key for choosing the right treatment option and preventing TMD headaches!
When Should I See the Dentist?
How do you know if you need treatment? There are a number of different symptoms you may experience, such as jaw pain, headaches, facial discomfort, and aches in the neck or shoulders. If you recognize one or more of these symptoms, then please contact our team today. We will examine your smile using digital technology to peer at the jaw joints and oral structures. We can discover if you have TMJ disorder and then recommend treatment. Often, we correct the problem with an oral appliance. Custom-made for your smile based on detailed impressions and measurements, the device is worn at night. Fitting like a mouthguard, the device repositions the jaw to ease strain and prevent further symptoms.
The Teeth Grinding Connection
If you grind your teeth, this could strain the jaw joints and lead to TMD. Likewise, untreated TMJ-related issues could make the onset of teeth grinding more likely. When we grind our teeth regularly, we place enormous pressure on our teeth, which cracks and chips teeth, or even wears away outer enamel. Without treatment, this damage could expose the sensitive inner tooth structure and lead to a greater risk of cavities and infection. Along with the other TMD symptoms we discussed above, bruxism could lead to tooth sensitivity and toothaches that don’t subside. Fortunately, an oral appliance can help treat teeth grinding too! If you have any questions about treating TMJ disorder, or if you think you may need a diagnosis, then please contact our team today.
Do You Need an Exam?
If you experience the warning signs of TMD, then you should talk to your dentist about possible treatment options. To learn more about addressing TMD, schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.