Have you completed your school supply shopping? Getting your children ready for the new school year can be an ordeal, which makes it easy to forget about the dentist. To ensure your little ones start the year with their healthiest smile, we often urge parents in Newhall, CA, to call our office and schedule a visit for an exam and cleaning.
An Exam and Dental Cleaning
The exam is a chance for the dentist to take a look at your child’s smile. We will carefully examine the teeth and gums to identify any problem areas, and offer treatment before serious complications arise. Our team will look for tooth decay, gingivitis, developing misalignment, and other common oral health issues. In addition, we will clean the teeth as well. The cleaning allows our team to remove all plaque from the surface of the teeth, which helps protect the teeth from decay and safeguard gums against inflammation. The procedure also brightens the appearance of the teeth and reduces bad breath. These visits should happen every six months, so if you schedule one now, the next one should fall just after winter break and the following one in summer break, helping you and your family enjoy healthy smiles without many school conflicts.
Brushing and Flossing
We will also discuss proper brushing and flossing to help ensure your children take good care of their smiles throughout the year. Children should brush their teeth twice a day, once when they wake up and again before going to bed. Kids three and older should use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, and an age-appropriate toothbrush. You may need to assist your younger children. Flossing before going to sleep is also essential, as this removes the bits of food stuck between the teeth that a toothbrush’s bristles may not be able to.
Healthier Snacks
Did know that sugary snacks and beverages leave behind particles for bacteria to break down, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease? To curb these risks and protect little smiles, we recommend offering healthier choices for your kids. Instead of soda, energy drinks, or sports drinks, offer water. Instead of candy and chips, offer fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, or cheeses. In addition, sugar-free gum has been shown to curb the urge to snack without exposing the teeth to harmful sugars. If you have any questions about our back-to-school visit, then please contact our team today.
Do You Want to Learn More About Children’s Dentistry?
Our team wants to help little smiles in our community remain healthy and bright. To learn more about children’s dental care, then please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.