Did you know that losing your natural teeth impacts much more than just your appearance? Over time, tooth loss could mean difficulties eating, speaking, and more. In order to help transform smiles with multiple missing teeth, we may suggest a set of dentures. When should you see your Newhall, CA, dentist for custom-made dental prosthetics?
The Risks of Advanced Tooth Loss
What happen when you lose a majority of your teeth? First, you may be forced to rely mainly on soft foods, depriving you of your favorite meals and access essential nutrients. You may have trouble speaking clearly, or feel embarrassed about your appearance, which impacts your social life and your overall quality of life. For others, the pressure on the jaw joints due to tooth loss increases the risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism. In order to avoid painful complications and protect your smile’s health and appearance, you may consider a dental prosthetic.
Creating a Prosthetic
Every smile is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all option for dentures. We will take detailed impressions of your smile, and also gather x-ray images and measurements. Using this information, we begin the process of designing and crafting your prosthetic. We will use lifelike acrylic to create a base that mimics the appearance of natural gum tissue. The teeth will be crafted from ceramic, a strong material that not only endures bite force and pressure, but can be shaded to match the color of the smile. We will take steps to ensure they fit properly and reflect your unique facial structure.
Full and Partial Dentures
A full replaces every tooth on one or both of your arches. The prosthetic will be held in place with suction and could last up to 5 to 10 years before requiring adjustments or replacement. A great option if you’ve lost a majority of your teeth, or all of them. Now, if you’ve lost several teeth, even if they’re spread out across your arch, then you may need a partial, which is held in place with metal clasps and addresses more minor cases of advanced tooth loss. As with the full, it will fit comfortably and can last up to 10 years with proper care and attention. We will provide instructions for maintenance, including cleaning and soaking for both options, and will monitor your smile and replacement teeth in routine checkup and cleaning visits. If you have any questions about addressing advanced cases of tooth loss, or if you’re ready to try a custom-made dental prosthetic, then contact our team today.
Treating Your Tooth Loss
Don’t let missing teeth hurt your smile’s health, beauty and function, find out if you need a replacement for your lost teeth, such as a bridge or denture. To learn more about how we create a set of custom-made dentures, then please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.