Right now, there are a lot of concerns about leaving the house and the risk of contracting COVID-19. We understand, and take steps to ensure our offices are clean and safe. In addition, our general and preventive treatments help our Newhall, CA, patients enjoy optimal oral health, and avoid issues like tooth decay and gum disease!
Keeping Our Offices Safe and Clean
Everyone in our office follows strict cleaning guidelines for the safety of our patients and team members. This includes cleaning and disinfecting our tools, as well as common areas throughout the office, such as door handles, waiting room surfaces, and the bathrooms. We also schedule appointments to prevent the waiting rooms from being filled with people, which helps limit the opportunities for illness to spread. If any members of our team begin to feel sick, they will stay home. If you feel under the weather and need to reschedule, or just feel more comfortable putting off a visit, we understand and urge you to do so. But if you have a serious issue that needs attention, know that we will take steps to ensure your comfort and safety.
General and Preventive Treatments
Part of providing general wellness for our patients is to help them avoid the onset of serious issues. For example, with a simple checkup and cleaning visit, we monitor your smile carefully and look for the earliest signs of developing problems. We then address these issues before they require more extensive solutions. A cleaning allows our team to remove all plaque and tartar, helping you avoid the onset of cavities and gum disease. We also offer general treatments to manage issues like TMJ disorder, bruxism, and we even screen for oral cancer. We also have restorative options to address damage or decay, and tooth replacement options, such as advanced implant dentistry.
Better Homecare
We also talk to our patients of all ages about better homecare. General wellness often includes daily care, as healthy smiles help reduce the risk of inflammatory illnesses and other serious concerns. We suggest brushing your teeth when you wake up and again before going to bed, for two minutes each session. Be sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and a toothpaste that contains fluoride. You need to floss as well, moving the tape up and down each side of each tooth, and making contact with the gum line to thoroughly remove any trapped particles. If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact our team today.
Do You Have Questions About Preventive Dentistry?
Our team wants to make sure you and your family continue to enjoy optimal oral health. To learn more about our preventive treatment options, please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.