If you have stains on your teeth, you may feel hesitant to show off your pearly whites. However, with professional teeth whitening, your Newhall, CA, dentist can brighten your smile. We have two different options available, one that is offered in office, and another you can use from the comfort of your own home.
The Factors Behind Your Teeth Stains
Why do our teeth become stained anyway? Well, often the foods and drinks we consume impact the brightness of our smiles. For example, foods high on sugar and starch leave behind particles for bacteria to consume, leading to plaque buildup and more visible stains. The same goes for beverages high in sugar too. Drinks with dark pigments and tannins, like soda, coffee, red wine, and tea, could also discolor the teeth. Tobacco use leads to discoloration too. Often, positive changes to your daily oral healthcare routines could keep your smile brighter for longer!
Whitening Smiles at Home
Our at-home option is great for people with more severe staining. The procedure brightens your teeth by several shades and also limits the risk of uncomfortable tooth sensitivity. We start by creating a custom set of plastic trays based on detailed impressions gathered of your smile. We then send you home with these trays, along with a powerful bleaching gel. At home, you add the bleaching gel to the trays and wear them for between 30 and 45 minutes. The trays ensure an even whitening, and optimal results usually take about a week to ten days. The exact amount of time will depend on the cause and extent of your misalignment.
A Brighter Smile in Two Hours
For faster results, we can employ our in-office option to remove discoloration in as little as one to two hours. The procedure begins with a protective covering being added to the lips and gums. We then spread the bleaching gel over the teeth and activate the gel with a special light. This begins to break up and remove discoloration. We repeat the process as necessary. Following either of these treatments, you can make sure you brush and floss daily as recommended, cut back on sugary or staining foods and beverages, and see us every six months for a cleaning to help your teeth stay bright. If you have any questions about how we improve the health and function of your smile, or if you would like to see brighter teeth, then contact our team today.
Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry?
Our team is ready to help you obtain a stunning, bright smile with teeth whitening. To learn more about cosmetic dental care, then please schedule a consultation by calling Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661) 259-7760.