With a porcelain crown, we offer a cosmetic approach to restorative treatments, including everything from infection to broken teeth. In today’s blog, your Newhall, CA, dentist talks about how we repair smiles and offer a brighter appearance with our custom and durable porcelain dental crowns.
The Natural Shine of Porcelain
Porcelain is often used to create crowns, as well as inlays and onlays, and even dental bridges and prosthetics. The material is very strong and durable, able to absorb daily bite forces and pressure. The material is also translucent like tooth enamel, and contains stain-resistant properties. We have the ability to color-match the material to ensure it matches the rest of your smile seamlessly, offering a lifelike appearance.
Creating Your Custom Crowns
How do we create and place a porcelain crown? To start, we will need to examine your smile, which includes gathering digital x-ray and intraoral camera images, so we can assess the cause and extent of the restorative issue you’re facing. If a crown is the right choice, then our team will administer a numbing agent and then gently remove structure from the tooth. Detailed images will be gathered and used in a lab setting to allow us to design and fabricate the finished product. When you return for a second visit, we will test the fit and if necessary, make final adjustments. The last step involves placing the finished product with a powerful bonding agent. Your restoration could stay securely in place for decades to come!
The Potential Benefits for Your Smile
When one is placed, we can repair minor or severe cracks and chips, rebuilding structure and preventing decay or infection. In addition, we can treat more advanced cases of tooth decay, and address an infection by completing a root canal procedure. Placement has been used to reshape malformed teeth too, and also aid in the replacement of missing teeth by securing a bridge or restoring a single tooth dental implant. A host of cosmetic and restorative treatments are available with a single restoration!
Keeping Your Restoration Strong
To help keep your restoration in place for decades to come, you need to brush and floss daily to remove food particles, and also eat a healthier diet too. Be sure to see our team for a checkup and cleaning every six months as well, so we can monitor your smile and address problems in the earliest stages! If you have any questions, then please give our team a call today.
Do You Have Questions About Our Porcelain Restorations?
We would like to help you obtain a healthier smile. Contact our Newhall, CA office at (661) 259-7760 to learn more about our custom restorations. You can also visit us at 25061 Peachland Ave. Newhall, CA 91321.