If you put off your routine dental appointments, you could be risking the development of serious oral health conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease. While it can be easy for any of us to let these vital visits slip, your schedule of semiannual checkups is an essential step in keeping your smile at a consistently high level. Take charge of your health by following the guidelines given to you by your dentist, including your calendar of checkups.
With our dental office in Newhall, CA, we understand how important prevention is in the world of dentistry. Stop in for a cleaning and examination of your smile so that you know that you are taking care of your oral health and discover the advantages of a dedication to preventive care. We are here to help you maintain and improve your smile, so speak with a valued member of our team today!
Your Semiannual Checkups Serve To Free You Of Bacterial Buildup
When you come into the dental office for a routine semiannual checkup with your provider, your visit starts with a thorough cleaning of the surface of your teeth. Not only can this help you to feel better and have fresher breath, it also serves to protect you from the development of lasting health conditions. Even with your daily home hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing, you still need to see your dentist at least twice per calendar year.
As bacteria feed upon particles of food within your smile, they produce acidic waste that damages your enamel. This starts with a clear film known as plaque, which you remove when you thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. If plaque remains for a period of time, it will calcify, turning into tartar, which requires a dentist or dental hygienist to safely remove. During your appointment, we will help you to have a smile free of plaque and tartar accumulation.
Reaching A Diagnosis Early At Your Semiannual Checkup
Another advantage of sticking to your schedule of routine semiannual checkups is that you and your provider can keep an eye on any problem developments. During your visit, you will also receive a full examination of your mouth, and consistency is key. Adhering to your timeline of appointments gives your dentist the information that they need to see if anything is changing. This can be vital in the prevention and management of such concerns as periodontal disease, so take your oral health care seriously with a semiannual checkup!
Schedule Your Next Appointment For A Checkup At Newhall Dental Arts
When you skip your routine dental appointments, you put your smile at risk. Learn more about the advantages of positive prevention with our team of talented dental professionals at Newhall Dental Arts in Newhall, CA, today at (661)259-7760!